Funky Street Art with teenagers for Quartiers d’Art

Who said “teenage wasteland” ?!

Very intense workshop with 14-years-old kids. During one week they explored the story of their district, by working on public presentations of specific spots and creating artistic forms about what it is to live in “La Chapelle”! The aim was to create a kind of artistic and instructive “city-tour” all made by the kids. They studied monuments, gardens, culture, economy, patrimony, art in the streets and every subject that matters for them. Then each kid chose a specific spot and prepared an oral presentation.  They also had to create artistic forms about what it is to live in “La Chapelle”, with the help of three artists : the musician Ignatus, Simon Falguières from the theatrical Collectif du K, and me!

 This project takes places upstream from the local cultural event called “Quartiers d’Art” that will occur in may 2012.

I proposed them to paint on kraft paper big patterns in relation with the district, and we gave a great public street art performance during the guided tour ! see gallery below (photos Caroline Guaine)

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Un slogan à découper, un poisson qui fait des bulles dans le mur, un Ganesh et un Lotus à côté de deux temples hindouistes, des pochoirs d’animaux à côté de Moskow Associés, un soldat devant une plaque commémorative, une grosse olive rue Lolive, des carrés invaders à côté d’un…space invader, des fruits exotiques rue de la Guadeloupe, un bébé rue de la Madone, et biensûr une pink cadillac rue des … Roses!

Et pour voir ce que devient cette fameuse cadillac rose, cliquez par ici.

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